Reflections on Dr Mamphela
Ramphele’s “Ndiyindoda! Yes, you are a Man”
Had I not attended the 2nd
International Leah Tutu Symposium held at Odeion, University of the Free State,
I would have remained believing that masculinity is only a preserve of the
ignorant! Yet, masculinity, which is at the root of questions and problems
surrounding gender, identity and contestations thereof about defining gender
equality, is a problem of the world at large. The deliberations that ensued in
the course of the day shook me and left me quite afraid of where my country,
Kenya, is hurtling herself towards in lieu of men, masculinity and feminism.
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Mamphela Ramphele’s keynote
address inspired me so much that I decided to pen a blog post in honour of her
presentation whose title and content is the source of my reflections and
summations. Drawing largely from African traditional knowledge, cultural
practices and other social norms, she noted that the true spirit of Ubuntu demands that we have to make it
our business to touch the lives of the people we encounter and not to bask in
the limelight of dominance and oppression. But it was her discourse on
masculinity; the expectations of the society about men that elicited animated rejoinders
from the audience. Her paper was predicated on the Xhosa initiation phrase Ndiyindoda – shouted at the moment of
circumcision meaning “I am a man” – I have become a man through initiation.
After listening to her, now
I am more than ever convinced that what ails the society is the ideal alpha
male figure that we have propped up and imagined that every man/woman should
strive to become in the course of their life. It is this alpha male myth that
we celebrate; a narrative that thrives on the triple heritage of dominance,
power and control. I can surmise convincingly here that it is the biggest
problem that bedevils Kenyan politics, economy and social life and perhaps that
of Africa at large. Otherwise how can you explain the voracious appetite for
pieces of land, political power and the widening economic and social gap
between the rich and the poor; the men and the women? Besides, the alpha male
narrative flaunts sexuality and sexual prowess through belittling and
undermining other males as sissies, wimps, moffies, weaklings or losers.
It thus bears mentioning
that if we are to correct this image, we have to define masculinity differently
and teach young men that they can define themselves outside the realms of the
alpha male figure. This definition must occlude egalitarian values such as
amassing wealth, wielding power over others, being a hero etc. As such, the
mere adoption of a constitution by a country, like Kenya for example, does not
directly translate to upholding of human rights and other gender related
issues. Also, being initiated through
circumcision does not necessarily qualify one as a man and neither does
hoarding or having havens of wealth and money transform one into a man. Thus, civic
education must be stepped up to teach young generations of the ethos and values
that define a holistic society – the need to embrace the value system of a human
rights culture.
Image courtesy of University of the Free State website |
One of the best ways to
begin conversations about questions of identity is at school. We have to create
safe spaces for teachers and mentors to discourse on matters of gender,
identity and sexuality. As many developing countries grapple with emerging
issues of LGBTI, homophobic behaviour and other sexually oriented issues, we
must find apt means to confront and deal with them. If this does not happen,
the phantom of the alpha male will keep haunting humanity. It is good to note
that education can help negate aspects such as subjugation, disempowerment and
alienation which are a resultant effect of the ideology of dominance.
It is also worth noting
that women end up being collateral damages of subjugation. When the narrative
of the alpha male dominates a society, this leads to other males being
ridiculed and in turn they turn their angst towards the women in their lives.
In their bid to remedy their broken egos, the men turn to crime, violence,
drugs and anything else that can help fill the void of the feeling of vulnerability.
Consequently, they rape, batter, maim and other times kill women and children.
An example given in the discussion demonstrated how a man murdered a woman and
when asked why he did so he said that he wanted her to respect him and recognise
that he is a man and that as a result the society would see him as a man and
respect that!
Of interest to the
discussion was the fact that the increase in adult shops and other porn related
issues is tied to the alpha male narrative that projects man as an insatiable
being. This leads to human trafficking and the casting of the female body as an
object of male desire, conquest and satisfaction. As a result, misogynistic images
thrive as men compete to outdo each other in showcasing their money and power;
again reflecting domination. This raises the question: Why do men feel they
have to control and command? How can we teach alternative masculinity? Thus, as
long as we uphold the alpha male – where the winner takes all, we will continue
to nurture conflict and violence amongst ourselves!
It simply emerged that
human rights is an issue that resides in the realms of an ideal world, one which
is far removed from the reality of the problems on the ground. We need to teach
men that they can be real and that there is nothing wrong with crying. The
traditional notion of a tough heterosexual man who is privileged as a provider,
protector and leader must be challenged. If not, the men who do not exude such
valour will continue to be ridiculed and when they suffer inferiority complex
all manner of psychosocial issues will break loose. The detriment of such a
situation might explain the isolated cases of Kenyan men massacring their
entire family and committing suicide. In fact, if unchecked, the moral
stability of the country will eventually crumble leading to a society of
lawlessness and anarchy – a phenomenon that is already common in parts of South
Africa and other places such as the USA.
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Image courtesy of UFS FaceBook Page |
Questions around the triple
burden of poverty, unemployment and inequality undermine identity formation.
For example, a man who cannot provide feels inadequate. If a boy is born to
such a man and he grows up being asked to man up, he will have a warped
imagination of what masculinity is because he is already traumatised by his
father’s figure of a man who comes across as a loser thus encouraging
transgenerational trauma. This tells us that we are overburdening men by
telling them to be men and yet we are not equipping them with the requisite resources
to be so. The corollaries of such a situation are gender based violence,
indulgence in substance abuse, suicide and other crime related matters.
Care must be exercised so
that we do not define men only as providers, protectors and leaders without providing
them with the means to actualise the same. If these men are disempowered, such
a perception, of an alpha male, will lead to destruction of the self which can
only spell doom for the society at large. We have to find a way of initiating
men into manhood without setting them up for failure. Ramphele reiterated that
boys need to be socialised to understand that they can be gentle,
communicative, and caring persons who can express emotions. But we must protect
this and dissuade ourselves from joining ranks with those who demean them for
being so. Both men and women must see each other as complimentary as opposed to
competitors. Indeed, women cannot abdicate their responsibility of protecting
men and helping men to understand their identity as well as position in society
and vice versa. Read more about Ramphele:
Last but not least, the African
culture had no alpha male and everyone was equal. Social gatherings were held
with all the men sitting in a circle on equal apparatus without even the chief
being elevated. In this setting, everyone contributed equally and was listened
to with mutual respect. Therefore, we must refuse quoting things out of context
or selecting social constructs that satisfy our selfish whims such as the bible
verse that women must be submissive. Ramphele ended her speech by quoting
Fredrick Douglass’ statement that “It is easier to build strong children than
to repair broken men”.
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